Today: IACP Panel To Address Immigration, Community Policing
October 27, 2015
Administrator Press Releases
CHICAGO — The importance of law enforcement’s relationship with local immigrant communities and that relationship’s impact on public safety are the focus of a panel discussion this morning at the International Association of Chiefs of Police conference.
The panel comprises law enforcement and community leaders from across the country who will underscore the importance of community engagement and the need to tailor that engagement. Participants also will address building and maintaining relationships with federal immigration agencies.
Law Enforcement Immigration Task Force members will be represented on the panel as well as in the audience. Members of the task force are available for interview.
The following are quotes from speakers:
Carmen Best, Deputy Chief, Seattle Police Department:
“The key to community policing is relationships. They enable us to integrate with the community successfully and make sure we’re on the same page.”
Randall Gaber, Assistant Chief, Madison (Wisc.) Police Department:
“Now more than ever, law enforcement must strive to achieve relationships with our immigrant communities that are based on understanding, cooperation and trust. Only then can we work together to keep our communities safe and maintain a quality of life we can all enjoy.”
Michael Masters, Executive Director, Cook County Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management:
“The key to effective policing is building trust between law enforcement and communities; this is only possible when all of our residents are comfortable working with the police. Without this trust, incidents may go unreported and criminals can take advantage of innocent individuals. When trust exists, however, residents and law enforcement can more effectively work together, making our whole community both safer and more secure.”
Fred Tsao, Senior Policy Counsel, Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR):
“It is vitally important for the safety of the entire public that law enforcement agencies and local communities build and maintain positive, trusting relationships. Building such trust with immigrant communities in particular involves bridging barriers of language, culture, bad experiences in native countries, and possible immigration consequences. We look forward to discussing how these issues can be addressed for the benefit of the whole community.”
Law enforcement leaders are available for interviews. To follow up, please contact Cathleen Farrell, 202-403-4190.