Law Enforcement Immigration Task Force

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New Letter: Law Enforcement Leaders Implore Congress to Act on Dreamers

Law Enforcement Immigration Task Force   Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The co-chairs of the Law Enforcement Immigration Task Force have sent a letter to members of Congress today urging a legislative solution for Dreamers.

The letter is co-signed by co-chairs Sheriff Margaret Mims of Fresno County, California; Chief Tom Manger of Montgomery County, Maryland; and Chief Art Acevedo of Houston.

“Our support for a legislative solution for Dreamers is consistent with our longstanding support for bipartisan reform of our immigration system,” they write. “We support measures allowing law-abiding people to feel safe and secure in their communities, which reinforce trust and cooperation with state and local law enforcement.”

Sixty members of the task force signed an earlier letter to members of Congress, in October, to express support for a bipartisan legislative solution that would allow Dreamers to remain in the country.

Today’s letter also underscores that a solution should not include add-ons that could hurt law enforcement efforts to keep the whole community safe.

“Legislative proposals to require states and local law enforcement to take on additional immigration enforcement responsibilities could similarly undermine community trust, threatening public safety,” the new letter reads. “When Dreamers, and all immigrants, feel safe engaging with local police, all of our communities are safer.”


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