Law Enforcement Immigration Task Force

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Profiles: Immigrants in Law Enforcement Contributing to Public Safety

Law Enforcement Immigration Task Force   Path to Public Safety


While immigrants are part of the communities we serve, they are also fellow officers and colleagues working alongside us. We decided to publish these profiles of immigrants working with us to protect our communities and promote public safety to highlight some of the men and women on whom we rely to help America be the great nation that it is today. Like immigrants who have come before them, they are continuing the tradition of contributing to their community though a career in law enforcement.

The Law Enforcement Immigration Task Force includes police chiefs, sheriffs and law enforcement professionals from across the country, ranging from major cities to rural counties, all concerned with the need for immigration policy changes to fix our broken immigration system. Task Force members are committed to promoting safe communities, respect for the rule of law, and protecting all members of their communities — and committed to supporting policies that promote their ability to do so. One of the six principles to which we subscribe is that when immigrants feel safe in their communities we all feel safer.


To view profiles, click here

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